
Mahitahi Team Blog! - May Edition

The team have been busy!!!

For this planting season we are hoping to plant 70,000 plants in the Sharlands Hill area. To achieve this, we aim to plant over 1000 plants per day!

The planting season will run through into August but hopefully finished by the end of August 2022. Project Mahitahi is aiming to plant 130,000 trees during the project. All going to plan we will have just under 100,000 planted by the end of this second year.

The aim of the planting on Peneamine Puke (Sharlands Hill) is to help provide a corridor for native birds to allow them to travel from the large areas of native forest high up in the Sharlands area down to the Maitai River and over to the Brook Reserve/ Fringed Hill/ Bryant Range. To provide a bio-corridor for them. We planted 3500 trees and shrubs on Peneamine Puke this year.

The Peneamine Wetland area will also have a mix of traditional Rongoa plants and a Pa Harakeke site which Ngati Koata will make use of.

Looking for a conservation partner for your next project? Contact Nelmac on 0800 635 622 to learn more.

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