
Nelson City Council and Nelmac Kumanu celebrate World Environment Day!  

Nelson City Council and Nelmac Kumanu celebrate World Environment Day!

1300 plants were planted on the rocky banks of Poorman Valley Stream, 100 plants were donated by the Nelmac Kūmānu Nursery.

This work is a continuation of NCC work carried out over the last two years to improve the Poorman Valley Stream Esplanade. The Council has been working with the community to plant native trees, grasses and shrubs on the banks of the stream to provide natural habitat to support fish, birds and insects to contribute to a thriving ecosystem.

Around 200 people came along and enjoyed the planting day event together with face-painting, pony rides, a real life dragon, a talking Cockatoo, BBQ and hot drinks! 

Nelmac sponsored the fun activities to encourage families to bring along their children, because the state of the environment will have the biggest impact on their future.

Alongside World Environment Day and Arbor day, this weekend’s planting carried special significance as Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee and the Queen encouraged anyone who wanted to mark this Jubilee, to do so by planting trees.

Nelmac Kūmānu is celebrating this year’s World Environment Day and Arbor day with a record planting season, with 170,000 natives being planted across the Nelson Tasman Region

Looking for a conservation partner for your next project? Contact Nelmac on 0800 635 622 to learn more.

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