map conservation aspiring


Realigning the Rob Roy

Project: Rob Roy Track realignment

Date: January 2021 – February 2021

Client: Department of Conservation

Location: Rob Roy Track. Mount Aspiring National Park


The Rob Roy track leads walkers to the Rob Roy Glacier. This is a very popular one day walk (20,00 visitors per year)

Following a slip in July 2019 and subsequent weather events in December 2019 and February 2020 which damaged the track further the track was closed.

The project required the construction of 450 m of new track which created a new route away from the slip face and a set of steps built (by Scott Construction Central)


Nelmac was asked to provide the Department of Conservation a price to undertake the repair works.

This was a remote site which meant all the equipment (including 1.7t digger and track dumpers) having to be flown to site and flown back out again at the end of the project

The remoteness of the location was a major challenge.

Staff stayed at the beginning of the track in a local Farmers hut. This meant having to walk an hour uphill each day to reach the work site.

In Short

  • 450 m of new track
  • 55m of new steps
  • Heli-gravelling in fill of steps

Looking for a conservation partner for your next project? Contact Nelmac on 0800 635 622 to learn more.

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